10. For the purposes of Divisions II and III:(a) if the results of a reapportionment or of the preceding election do not point to any candidate of an authorized party as entitled to make a recommendation, the recommendation shall be made by one of the following candidates, in the order indicated, provided that the candidate has not already been entitled to recommend a deputy returning officer or a poll clerk, as the case may be:i. the candidate of the authorized party forming the Government;
ii. the candidate of the authorized party forming the Official Opposition;
iii. the candidate of an authorized party represented in the National Assembly, beginning with the candidate whose party has the most Members;
iv. the candidate of an authorized party not represented in the National Assembly;
v. an independent candidate;
(b) in the case of a tie, the returning officer shall draw lots in the presence of the candidates or their representatives or, failing them, 2 electors. The same procedure will be followed in the case of competition between candidates covered by subparagraphs iv or v of paragraph a.